Wellborn + Wright

Friday 21 March 2014

Reclaimed Wood Is The Requirement Of The Day

The best thing about the human nature is that it gets molded according to the situations and also the changes that nature keeps going through. One such change that humans encountered was the disturbance in the ecological balance of the planet. Apart from the various kinds of pollutions that were responsible for this the one other major factor was the felling of large number of trees to satisfy the different needs. The advent and the subsequent popularity of the reclaimed wood has changed the situation drastically. 

The reclaimed wood is obtained from the old redundant building like mills, factories, and barns. These are then given a new life and are used for a variety of purposes. The most common species of this type of wood is the reclaimed wormy chestnut,Quality Oak, Heart Pine, Cypress, Maple, Walnut and many more. The reclaimed wood has the potential to give your home a look of grandeur and class. This wood is robust, beautiful and economical. It is a much better option than just going green.

For more information visit, http://www.wellbornwright.com